Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Salto Cristal

I’m sorry I haven’t written in a while, a lot has been going on here; good and bad. But I wanted to share an amazing experience I had about three weekends ago. I visited this place called Salto Cristal about 8 hours away from my city with a group of kids from AFS. It was absolutely incredible. It’s a natural waterfall and camping place that you can swim in, take nice walks, and relax. I left my city with my friend and we took a bus to Asuncion, the capital city, stayed over at my friends’ house there, and the next day headed to another house to prepare to leave.  We got to the volunteer’s house in the afternoon and by night time the whole group of exchange students was there and all the volunteers. We ordered pizza and had a great night. The next morning at 6 am, we left in a bus for Salto Cristal. On the way, we stopped at a view point in Paraguay which was absolutely stunning. It was one of the few mountains I’ve seen and was considered a “hill” in California haha. It was nice though because you can see for so far at the top since most of Paraguay is flat land. 

As driving to the waterfall itself, we were on a dirt road and it started to sprinkle a little bit. It wasn’t that bad and the bus could still get through until we were about 4 km away and all the sudden the road stopped  and there was a cliff in front of us with a river blocking the way to the other side of it. It was scary, but we all got out and started walking. We finally made it in the heat, to the waterfall. It was gorgeous and such a nice day. When it started to get dark, we got back on the bus and headed to the campground. We all set up our tents, those who didn’t have one used hammocs, and had a fire.  We ate dinner and the next day headed home. It was such a wonderful experience and I recommend to any future AFS’ers to go on the AFS organized trips, they are always amazing!

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